For thousands of years, tattooing is a very common tradition in Middle Eastern cultures. the practice was common in ancient times and was considered to be a symbol of beauty and strength. In many cultures, tattoos were used to identify people belonging to a particular tribe or community.
Commonly, women adorn their bodies and intricate designs. These designs were often inspired by nature, religious symbols, or astrological signs. The tattoos were also used to protect them from the evil eye and to enhance their fertility. One tattoo tradition in the region is henna tattoos. Henna is a plant-based dye that is applied to the skin to create beautiful temporary tattoos. women especially prefer decorations on the chin, under the chin, ankle, neck, chest, and upper hand, while in men, tattoos can be found on their nose and in the middle of the forehead, on the upper hand, on the wrist, and on the arms. The tattoo motif that draws the most attention in these regions is the shape that stylizes the five fingers, especially seen on the temples. Other known tattoo motifs are the comb and mirror, which can be found on the hands and ankles of women; Ring motifs also have an important place. The practice has declined in popularity in recent years since many people now consider painting the body as taboo in Islamic culture. However, there are still many people who embrace the tradition and view tattoos/henna painting as a beautiful and meaningful form of self-ex
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