It is not known how long the copper works have existed in Gaziantep. However, the history of copper works is as old as the history of humanity. Copper objects are usually made up of all copper and other materials that were mixed with zinc and copper and known as brass. Most copper products in the other regions of Turkey are made by patching separate parts together. The characteristics of the Antep copper work is that it is produced in one single piece. In other ways, no connection are made by solder but rather beating with a hammer for the shape and then the embroidery looks added for decorative purposes. Additional embossing and scratching work is carried out with a hammer and a steal pen which sometimes may take weeks or even months. The copper works in Gaziantep have been made totally by hand, and no other tool has been used except a hammer and a steel pen. The embroidered copper works are admired by many people in our country and to abroad and the demand is always high.
SAHAN: A kind of copper plate dish, a kind of copper plate.
TAS: A deep cup for drinking water, a kind of copper bowl used for drinking water.
KAZAN: A dish for cooking meal, a kind of pot used for cooking purpose
MASERE KAZANI: Grape syrup (Grape juice) cooking, a kind of large pot used for making syrup for making syrup made by boiling down grape molasses.
TARAK KABI: A kind of cup used for putting soap, brush and gloves.
CLAY TRAY: A kind of cup used for washing clothes.
SEFERIYE TASI: A kind of cup used for carrying meals.
MASRAPA: A jug for yogurt drink and water.
SATIL: Used for carrying water, a kind of bucket for liquids.
PASA MANGALI: Pasha Bruiser (Formerly used for heating purposes, but presently for decorative purposes. A kind of container with a handle mainly used in rest rooms.
IBRIK: Used for putting water and washing the face.
CEZVE: A kind of cup used for making coffee.
SEMAVER: Used to prepare tea.
SINI (TRAY): Used to have meals.
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